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A research group from ETSI will tackle the challenge “Automatic Radiocommunication Transcription System”

The Information and Knowledge Engineering research group from the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSI) at the University of Huelva has been selected to tackle the innovation challenge “Automatic Radiocommunication Transcription System.”

This research group will be responsible for working in La Lonja de la Innovacion facilities to resolve this challenge, supported by the professionals of the initiative. The Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSI) of the University of Huelva has been training engineers in different fields for decades. Its graduates are highly valued by the local companies, but also by others in a national and international level. Additionally, ETSI encompasses the work of hundreds of scientists and technologists, whose work is a global benchmark in areas such as green hydrogen production chain, artificial intelligence or the production of biofuel production, among others.

One of the objectives of La Lonja de la Innovación is to introduce innovation by collaborating with both startups and consolidated companies, to modernize and promote Puerto de Huelva and its region. To do this, they launch innovation challenges such as this one or the one being addressed by Magal Solution since last April: “Face Detection and Pixelation System to Prevent Identification.”

The innovation challenge

La Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva tiene entre sus funciones la gestión de la seguridad y el control de la actividad en el entorno portuario. Para ello, cuenta con un sistema de radiocomunicación para las comunicaciones con buques y otras embarcaciones. 

The Port Authority of Huelva has among its functions the safement management and controlling activities in the port environment. To achieve this, it has a radiocommunication system for communications with ships and other vessels.

In order to structure the information commented by radio, they launched this innovation challenge seeking a solution to automatically transcribe the communications, generating a temporally structured information record that can be used in a forensic way.

With this challenge they search for a solution that reads audio files from a determined location, make automatic transcriptions and store the text in a database management system. All this with the complexity of radio communications and the terminology used by the users, very specific to the port environment and the geographical environment.

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