La Lonja
Logo La Pescadería Artesanal



Fedepesca is a company specialized in fish marketing solutions, such as its solution La Pescadería Artesanal

La Pescadería Artesanal is an exclusive Marketplace for traditional fishmongers. This Marketplace seeks to digitize the ecosystem of traditional fishmongers nationwide and offer a digital tool for the sale of fish products to both establishments and consumers.

The marketplace is being developed by FEDEPESCA, the Federation that represents traditional Spanish fishmongers.

This is a project developed by FEDEPESCA and funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, to initiate the digitalization of the Fishmongers of several Regional/Autonomous Associations.


showroom smart water

Navlandis, Fedepesca and Contazara and its smart water solutions at La Lonja

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