La Lonja
Alejandro Villarán Vázquez
Alejandro Villaran

Alejandro Villarán Vázquez


Business Development, Internationalization, Team Management Mentor

Alejandro has developed his professional career for 11 years in consultancy at EY in different sectors, like telco, utilities, hospitality and leisure and government, as well as undertaking his first venture in Huelva with Seabery Augmented Technologies, AR and simulation, to help attract new generations to VET. Later, he has developed businesses in more than 50 countries for 9 years, to now focus on investment and mentoring startups. In addition, Alejandro is currently working on a new project, with the mission to give people an easy, fun and engaging access to their personal development, using horticulture as a common thread.

How did he get here? Our mentor in Entrepreneurship, Business development, internationalization and team management has a degree in Business Management and Administration, ERP SAP, MBA, Information Security, and has collaborated as a speaker in international events in the Edtech and Augmented and Virtual Reality sectors.

Our mentor has a very close relationship with the sea: he practices surf, windsurf, paddle surf, and sailing. He loves the sea, especially when it is not summer, as it brings him peace and inspires his creativity; in fact, many times, he is lucky enough to escape to work on the boat, when he is in a creative process. How inspiring!
Alejandro reckons that La Lonja de la Innovación will allow to unite entrepreneurship and innovation, attract talent, and help drive innovative projects, creating a great and valuable ecosystem. We cannot agree more!

¿Cómo ha llegado hasta aquí? Nuestro mentor en emprendimiento, desarrollo de negocio, internacionalización y gestión de equipos se diplomó en Dirección y Administración de Empresas, ERP SAP, MBA, Seguridad de la Información, y ha colaborado como speaker en eventos internacionales del sector Edtech, Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Nuestro mentor tiene una relación muy estrecha con el mar: practica surf, windsurf, paddle surf y sale en barco a navegar. Le encanta el mar, sobre todo cuando no es verano, puesto que le da paz e inspira sui creatividad, de hecho, muchas veces, tiene la suerte de poder escaparse a trabajar al barco, cuando está en proceso creativo. ¡Qué inspirador!

Alejandro opina que la Lonja de la Innovación será capaz de aglutinar al sector del emprendimiento y la innovación, atraer talento y ayudar a impulsar proyectos innovadores, creando un gran ecosistema muy valioso. ¡No podemos estar más de acuerdo!

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