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Making decisions under pressure: tips for entrepreneurs

People have to make decisions constantly, sometimes simpler and sometimes more complex. This also happens in the work environment and especially in those who have a company. The truth is that making decisions is a constant in the day to day of an entrepreneur and this has not to be considered as an isolated action, but as a process in itself. Decision making is of great importance for a company to follow the right path, this is why, in order to do so, it is important to be analytical and know how to act under pressure.

There are some factors that must be considered to know how to make decisions. Here we tell you about them:

  • Keep calm. Many times, decisions are made when problems arise, and they come without warning. This is why it is normal to start to feel pressure in these moments of crisis. The first thing you must do is not to lose calm and be able to react calmly. On the contrary, it is probable that you don’t take the right path by acting on impulse. Take a few minutes to calm down, clear your head and gain mental clarity before acting. This small amount of time can be what makes the difference between a well thought-out decision and one that is not.
  • Align yourself with your company. When it comes to decision-making you must always keep in mind the values of your company, since this will help you to head in the right direction and not to make decisions that can alter the proper functioning of your company and its intern coherence. Values are like a guide towards the objectives that you want to achieve with your company. This is why making decisions in which these are present is fundamental.
  • Be open to receiving advice. Decision-making shouldn’t be a one person task. Ask for advice to your colleagues to have different perspectives, since this can enrich the process and uncover points of views you may not have considered yourself. In addition, involving your team will also foster the necessary collaborative environment and your employees’ commitment to the company
  • Search for information. One of the pillars when it comes to decision-making is to have enough information about the different options to be able to compare them and decide which of them is better. Therefore, do a thorough research on the different options, look for information and discover what the advantages and disadvantages of each one are. Be sure to search from reliable sources and, if it is necessary, seeking advice can also be a great help. Making decisions with a well defined context and based on real data will minimize the risks of the process.
  • Evaluation and analysis. Before opting for any option, once you have all the necessary information, you must identify, analyze and evaluate the risks and opportunities that it offers. Decisions must be made by logical reasoning and analysis based on evidence and data, rather than on unfounded impulses.
  • Open mind. In the entrepreneurial world it is essential to be adaptable and flexible. Implicit in these two characteristics is also having an open mind. This will allow you to accept more points of view and to opt for options that, although they may take you out of your comfort zone, are better than others that seem more comfortable to you. Having an open mind can allow you to take risks that must be taken to change something that is not working.
  • Learn about old decisions. Every step you have taken in the past is a great source of learning, that means that you can learn from decisions you have already made at another time, whether good or bad. Analyze those decisions and identify what worked and what didn’t in order to have more guidance.
  • Decisions review. Once you have made and implemented the decision, it is important to review its operation and evaluate the results it is giving to make sure that there are no mistakes and that, if this happens, to make the necessary adjustments.

To sum up, decision-making is a complex process with many factors involved, in which calm, analysis and reflection are fundamental pillars. Having the ability to make the right decisions and, in addition, knowing how to do it under pressure, can make the difference in your business and lead you to success

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